Monday, August 17, 2009

Song Titles!

Found it from a friend on Facebook. Wonder why I added her when I don't really know her that well. Oh well. She was in one of my classes, so...
If I knew more Japanese, I would have used Buck-Tick, but I really don't want to go through all of the frustration of looking up title translations and such. Maybe later, depending on how bored I get. It's pretty lulzy.
Anyway, the object is to fill out the questionairre using only titles from the band/artist's repitoire.

Pick your Artist: Nightwish

Are you a male or female? NEMO.

Describe yourself: The Escapist.

How do you feel: FantasMic.

Describe where you currently live: Over the Hills and Far Away.

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Sahara.

Your favorite form of transportation: Walking in the Air.

Your best friend is: Amaranth.

You and your best friends are: Dead to the World. Alternatively,

What's the weather like: Dead Gardens.

Favorite time of day: White Night Fantasy.

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Higher Than Hope.

What is life to you: Dark Chest of Wonders.

Your last relationship: Romanticide.

Your fear: 7 Days to the Wolves.

What is the best advice you have to give: Live to Tell the Tale.

Thought for the Day: Know Why the Nightingale Sings.

How I would like to die: Slaying the Dreamer.

My soul's present condition: Wanderlust.

My motto: Whoever Brings the Night.

Fun times.


  1. That was quite interesting. :3
    My favorite was Live To Tell The Tale. I kind of want that on a shirt now.

  2. >w< I was quite pleased with Walking in the Air, myself.
    But, yeah. Thank you.
    The song is pretty alright, too. :D

  3. Oh, I guess I didn't notice how perfect that one was. Brilliant! :D

  4. Thank you, my dear! :D I appriciate your compliment!
