Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My dear, there's been a change of plans~

So, on Saturday afternoon, I suppose I had the most interesting time to report as of late. Went to a Ska and Reggae festival at a bar in the local area or so with a friend of mine; met up another friend there. Of course, I recognized way too many people there and most of them are those super-fake people who seem to pretend to like or do something just because it's 'trendy,' and those sort of people rather scare me. I know they shouldn't, but...

The festival was fun, though. It's just a little dissappointing when one's favourite band is second in the lineup out of ten or so and all of the other bands just kind of seem to pale in comparison. They were called the 2 Tone Runts, had some pretty good stuff, it seemed like. I bought a CD and Deidre got a shirt, but we bought them together and saved five bucks, and the lead singer was even willing to sign both of them.
Couldn't find the trombonist or the organist that I had fallen in love with, though. They ditched way too early and went off into the bar side where we were both too young to go into, so we waited for a while but they never came back. But the trombonist had such pretty gold hair. * O* And he was much prettier on stage than in close proximity (I walked like... Two feet past him), but he was super tall and I still love his hair.

Then, I wound up catching Deidre's cold on accident because I forgot she was sick. I felt naucious on Monday after only managing to get 3 hours of sleep on Sunday night, then on Tuesday I decided to just become exhausted after about my fourth class or so, so I decided to stay home and sleep today.
Which I have done.
Since last night when I went to bed and up until now, I've probably managed a good sixteen hours of sleep solid. Feeling a little better, and I've taken the oppourtunity to catch up in my mathwork, pull farther ahead in my reading, and in a little while I'll work on a report for Science and work on my Japanese or something to that effect. Should work out nicely, I think, provided I actually do it.
I'll go back to school tomorrow. I'll have a quiz in Geometry to make up, but that's alright.

I wonder how you take out the buttons of a keyboard... It sure could use a good cleaning underneath.

15 more days until the end of the school year! Yay.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Nine, and Ten;

Money can't buy you back the love that you had then.
Old teenage hopes are alive at your door,
Left you with nothing, but still they want more.

Mmm. So I never got anything.
To make sure that nothing just got miscommunicated somewhere or if he's just shy, my friends are all telling me to go back to the restaurant. I might in about a month; maybe make myself seem a little less desperate. Ashley suggested that maybe he had written a note for me, too, and then went on to say how cute that would be. Sure, cute. Logical? No.
Oh well. I'll go later; I don't think I could right now. I'm hoping that when Abby takes her mom on Sunday that maybe he'll mention me or something to give me some sort of green light to go back there without pointing and laughter on his part. Or maybe if my family goes without me. Not likely, though. Not crossing my fingers anymore; I'm starting to lose hope, although I still am terribly fond of him. I guess it happens.

Tomorrow I go in for an AP test that I didn't even have to take and I didn't know about it. Eight in the morning; then Mr. Walker wants me to go over to the high-ropes course afterwards to catch up with the gang. We were supposed to go today, but got rained out. He suggested that I go after I finish up my test. He's so awesome. Super nice.
So tomorrow will be about one of the biggest slack-off-while-technically-at-school days that I've had in a long time. Sounds amusing, but it also sounds like make-up-work Friday, too.

I guess I can take it.

I found a poem to memorize; I have to memorize it by the 15th, but that's okay. It's Longfellow; I like him alright. He's one of my favourites, honestly. "The Day is Done" or whatever it's called. It's pretty sweet. I would've tried to memorize The Raven by Poe, but I'd've needed to know that we were doing this sometime shortly after Christmas. I know the first stanza, but that's about it.
We're also reading One Flew Over The Cucoo's Nest by Ken Kesey, too. I'm seriously likeing the book so far. Asylum tales for the win.

We're in the Cold War in US History, too. Yay Soviet Union. <3

The wrap-up of the school year is always a lovely overload of stupid crap that teachers couldn't evenly space out, isn't it? They knew the end of the year was coming, but they always dawdle on some part or another.

Wonder how this weekend'll work out.
Mother's Day is on Sunday; I don't know what to do for Mom. At all. I might just write her an I.O.U. She didn't react well enough to the painting I did for her birthday and instead seemed to find the card that I wasted 45 minutes on (as opposed to six hours) much more worthwhile.
Wow parents fail at some things.
Maybe I'll write her the I.O.U. and then take her to lunch one day.

I don't know.

Wish I could sleep well as of late...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

So it's there my homage due;

Clutched by the still of the night.
Even the distance feels so near;
All for the love of you.

Whoo I got Abby to like new musics today--She already likes Enya, but I added Loreena McKennitt onto that list. She's an amazing singer; I love her songs to bits. Abby says she wantes the CD of hers that I have 'cause she really liked what she heard, which was awesome. We went to the restaurant and then to a bookstore today. She and I could spend forever and a day in one of those; a lot of the time I spent with her just staring at the pretty women in a makeover book.
They make us sick; but they're so pretty. Jeez.

I bought a book with those funny Chinese-translated-into-English signs in it. It's amazing.

But, onto the story you want to hear about (Or I at least want to tell maybe)...

Waiter-guy was actually super happy acting today again. I hope things got better for him; he was so sad looking last time. I didn't do anything dumb enough for him to giggle at me, but I sure got Abby laughing. Like, for the first fifteen minutes I was sitting there freaking out so bad my hands were shaking andI couldn't stop giggling. Gradually, I calmed down, but it was silly to her. She said he looked back in my direction before he went and hid in the kitchen area, but I don't know if I should believe he was looking specifically at me or not. Whatever.

Anyway, so we had our lunch and all of that, and then we began talking about effective ways to give him the note. Finally, we resolved to leave it in the payment wallet they give and take back, and so I put around one of the tip-dollars and made sure he got it. I then said "there's no change," and promptly ran out the door as I saw him fingering through the money and probably finding the note. Abby said she thought he did, and then laughed at me and told me that I ran out of the door so fast that it looked like I had stolen something.

We then went to the bookstore; I bought that book and managed to see my old Sociology teacher from last semester. We talked for a little while I was waiting on Abby to find her family some books. He seems to be doing pretty well. Before that, though, we spent about an hour just looking through books and CDs, mostly in the sales racks. That was fun. We went over and looked in all of the foreign-language section, too. Goofed off a bit.

But all fun things must come to an end; she had to go home to get ready for the prom tonight (I'm not going); get her hair done, get her dress on, makeup, nails, blah blah.
Kind of a waste of money if you ask me, but I hope she has a good time. I'll probably try to go to Kaley's prom next year if I can somehow get to Michigan; we planned it out a little while ago.

I'm feeling so anxious right now. My stomach's a little queezy; not bad, but irritating.

I hope it works out alright...

I'm going to go take a nap, I think.

Friday, May 1, 2009

So if I could, I'd wish it all away~

If I thought tomorrow would take you away.
You're my peace of mind, my home, my center;
I'm just trying to hold on~
One more day.

So, tomorrow's the big day. I'm going to go and get Abby around eleven, we're going to go do something, and then we're going to go to the restaurant. E-yah. I'm so scared. I was considering re-writing the note, but I decided not to bother with it beacuse it's dumb and no matter however I wrote it, it would always sound dumb.
Bracing myself for my rejection. <3>

And if I do get rejected entirely, I'll likely never go there again out of embarrassment. =////= Take-out ordering, anyone?

I've recently realized though that it seems like I have a thing for Chinese waiters. My very first "crush" when I was three or so was on a Chinese waiter at a restaurant I went to a lot. I was so upset when he left; I went there for months hoping he'd be working.
Lawl; maybe it's just because it's one of the easiest place to find foreigners. I love foreigners. So much. They're so fantastic.

My goal was to exercise pretty much every day this week, and that I did. Even though I didn't exercise for over an hour today, I did, every day since Sunday, wiggle in some way, shape, or form.
All I did today was run laps around the gym in school while others were rock-climibing and slacking off and then walk home, but that's still moving. Played jump-rope for a while, too. Poor Mr. Walker has looked so tired and sore lately. I hope he feels better soon.

Happy May 1st, everybody. We'll celebrate my cat's second birthday today, too, since I only know he was born sometime in May; not quite sure when. Happy birthay, Buyo.
Thirty-four more days of the school year. <3>

I finished up some watercolour assignment in my art class today finally. Supposed to paint a picture of an endangered animal, so I did a species of camel that's endangered. I love camels. They're awesome.

Sometimes I'd like to have something relevent to say...