Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's only me who wants to wrap around your dreams~

And have you any dreams you'd like to sell?

-What would you do if you found out the person you like was in a relationship?
I wouldn't be surprised.

-Do you think you're wasting your time on the person you like?

-Name two people you tell everything to?
Sydney, even though she laughs at me, and Kaley. I'd tell Alex if I talked to her every day. XP I tell her most of it, anyway.

-The person you have feelings for shows up at your house, what do you do?
... Wow. I have a stalker. And I like him.
That'd be insane. Ha-ha.

-Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
Highly unlikely unless he randomly shows up at my door like in the last question. He doesn't even know my name. xD

-Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Well, I'm breathing, aren't I?

-Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
I suppose, but I'm certainly fond of vodka. XP Not to the point of being anywhere near a lush, though. Not interested that much.

-How are you feeling?
Very sleepy, drained, and nervous.

-How do you feel about big trucks?
Their bad mileage makes me twitch a little on the inside.

-Does anything hurt on your body right now?
My head, slightly.

-Do you want someone to call you right now?
I don't really care right now. I'd rather not, though. Too lazy to talk.

-Do you miss someone?

-Is something wrong right now?
No; I'm just nervous.

-Can you play an instrument?
Barely. = w=

-Are you mad at someone?
Not to my knowledge.

-Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
I'd love to, but I can't. How about on Saturday?

-Can you honestly say you listen to all kinds of music?
There's likely something in every genre that I'd like, yes. But I am particular about how it is composed. XP And I get persnickety about lyrical composition, as well.

-Would you prefer a thunderstorm or for it to be snowing?
Thunderstorms are better.

-Are you good at math?
What kind of math are we discussing?

-Do you usually listen to your parents?
Unless they say something completely superfluous.

-Do you have any siblings? Do you get along?
Sure, I get along with my ficticious siblings.

-Do you cry alot?
Not usually. I go through phases, depending on how stressed out and upset I am.

-Do you act more silly or serious?
Depends on what the situation calls for.

-Are you good at keeping secrets?

-Do you have any gay/bi/lesbian friends?

-What are you doing tomorrow?
Gotta go to freaking school. Then I get to exercise. :B

-Do you have any shirts with funny sayings on them?
Sure, provided one has the background knowledge to understand them.

-Are your bedroom walls a different color than white?
I wish. xP

-What day of the week is it?
Thursday. OhmyGodalmostSaturday. D:

-Have you ever ridden first class on an airplane?
Seems kind of stupid to me. Don't really see a point.

-What's your name without the letters a, b, c, x, y, or z?
Rhinnon. Haha. That's what Conlan used to call me. Well... "Rinnin."

-How often do you wear a belt?
Not often, but it doesn't keep me from loving them and having a hell of a lot.

-Have you ever had seagulls attack you at the beach?

-Are you excited for anything?
Sure. Saturday. But I'm also scared, too. xD

-Does your profile song have any specific meaning?
Don't have one on this.

-Has a girl ever asked your best friend about you?

-What are your plans for today?
Going to bed in approximately... A half-hour or so.

-Do you like your life right now?
Certain aspects of it, sure.

-Who was the last person you talked to last night before bed?
If goodnights don't count, Sydney. If they do, Grandma and Ange.

-Do you have friends you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell?
Not really; mostly sure, but there's just this little hint of paranoia in me... XP

-Are you in a good mood right now?
Feeling pretty decent. Provided I could keep my eyes open. The weather's looking nice, so I'm feeling pretty happy for that.

-Do you take compliments well?
They're embarrassing.

-What bed did you sleep in last night?
My own.

-What was the last thing you cried about?
Don't recall. I'm sure it was important. [/sarcasm]

-Will you be in bed within twenty minutes?
That'd be nice. Not likely, but nice.
Wonder why I torture myself like this for no particular reason...

-What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had?
Water. I've pretty much had water today. Well, that and coffee and lemonade, but mostly water. I feel like a fish.

-Is there anyone you trust who you shouldn't?
XD I wouldn't be surprised.

-Have you ever gotten the butterflies?
Yes. Oh, the joyous memories. D: I hate that feeling.

-If you could change anything about your past would you?
Of course. Wouldn't anyone?

-What are you doing this summer?
To hell if I know.

-In the last month have you wanted to punch someone's face in?
You must be jesting.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Heaven knows I've tried to let you go;

I can't help myself,
I think I'm losing control~

So there's this one very flamboyantly gay kid in school, right? I swear to you, he is so damn cute with eyeliner on. D: He's alright otherwise, but with eyeliner? Jesus. Can I get a hetero one that looks that magnificent? Haha; that'd be great. Get him to play dress-up or something.
Eh. Sorry. Just randomly remembered that today. I smiled at him since I know him and everything, and then proceeded to swoon once he could no longer see me. Deidre and Meghan laughed at me. Then again, they like their men to actually somewhat resemble men, as opposed to myself.

Ah, leave it to me.

So in a last-minute effort to look nice for Saturday (or at least feel a little more confident about myself), I wound up playing Dance Dance Revolution for two hours solid last night, and then I hope to do so again here very shortly. At least for an hour. I also wound up eating a salad for lunch today and have sworn myself off of overly junky foods for lunch and am praying we eat decent things for dinner tonight. I also banned all naps this week unless they're an absolute must.
I know I won't lose anything at all, likely, but maybe I'll at least feel good. A little too little, a little too late.

I shall have Sakurai croon at me for a while, and then I will proceed to further my futile attempts.

This weekend was pretty good. The picnic on Friday, and then on Saturday, I gave Mom her present. She was pleased (although she seemed more fond of the half-assed card than the painting). I hope she likes it, really. She didn't show quite as much enthusiasm as I had hoped; merely asked what the character thought of being in a painting. I guess I shouldn't have hoped for much, though. She never seems particularly interested in drawings and such. Just say they're good and move on, which is suitable. It'd be foolish to ask for more or expect high praise for something I do only as a past-time.

Sunday I went to see an old friend of the family that I hadn't seen in a few years. I was quite happy to see him again, albiet a little bored. Get-togethers never really interest me; I'd much rather have someone stay over and allow life to go on as usual and perhaps do things with the person rather than set a date and spend hours doing nothing but talking.

And somehow, I've managed to get cat-hair all over me already and I haven't even been home for forty-five minutes. Wow, Buyo... Wow.

Weather's supposed to be nicer than I thought it was on Saturday. Awesome.

... Yeah.
Dance-Dance time before I roll around in self-loathing. xD Bah.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I know I don't know you...

But I want you,
So bad~.
Everyone has a secret.
Can they keep it?
Oh, no, they can't.

More Maroon 5. Jeez. =w=

Well, today pretty much rocked once school was out. I went over to the store to get some stuff for foods for a picnic, and I made fried rice (I'm apparently really good at it? I don't know.), egg rolls and crab rangoons (frozenlol), and PaDer brought some sort of papaya Hmong food and it was so good oh my gosh. Deidre brought water and silverware and such.
It was an awesome time. We ate, then we waddled around the park a bit, PaDer took pictures of things and such (I stuck my feet in the water for some silly pose. Bad idea. Oh my gosh it was so cold. D:), then we went to an ice cream parlour that a friend of mine in school works at. I told him today that I'd visit him one day, but he was all "oh, that's what everyone says, but they never do."

So, guess who went to visit him today.
I got a chocolate/mint shake and Dei and PaDer got ice-cream. Nummy.
I wonder how surprised Jake was... Hm.

Then the three of us went to Deidre's and karaoke-ed for like... Three hours.

Danced around like morons when one of the mics broke while one of us sang, made fun of this one crazy kid in gym (he's ridiculous; haha), played around a bit, it was really fun.

I left at five-thirty, got back home around nine-fifteen.
Oh my God, I think Rhiannon's getting a life! Wow.
(I know it's not much, but it's an improvement, certainly.)

The weather was so nice, though. It made me so happy.

In two hours, I will officially (hopefully) have one week until I let Abby give dearest Waiter-boy the note. I hope she doesn't wind up having anything else to do... Oh, jeez. That'd be awful.
There are also forty-one more days left in the school-year, if I'm not mistaken. I can then proceed to Mississippi for a couple of weeks and thus proceed to do something(? Nothing?). I'm not even sure if I want to bother with it anymore, really. I mean, it's not that I don't want to go back home or anything, I'm just... So lazy.
Maybe it's just because I'm really tired right now or something.

So it's really weird to think that I'm that close to being a senior in high-school, and then that for only a semester. And after that, I get to be a freshman all over again. Joy of joys.

Mmm... Going to go to bed. I'm so tired. =w=

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sunday Morning Rain is Falling...

Steal some covers, share some skin~

I've been on a Maroon 5 kick lately. I'd like to invest in their two CDs (are there more? I don't know), but fate has to smile upon me in such a way that I'm always out of money when I'd like to get something. Which is really weird, considering how badly I hoarde money. All of the time. When there's nothing that I want, I usually have fifty bucks lying around somewhere if I look hard enough. When I want something? Nada. Zip. Nothing.
It gets to be a bummer after a while.

So, I'm going to get Abby to give dearest waiter-boy the note next Saturday. Not this one, but the next one. We're going to spend the afternoon together, methinks, and since Ange's started going just a wee bit crazy on me now, too, I asked if Abby'd be willing to do it since she threatened to tell him once before, and she said 'yes.' I think they're mostly freaking out at me though beacuse this is my first time trying any sort of stunt like this. Kind of bums me out since I want their support in the matter, but c'est la vie. I'll live, I suppose.

I designed my highschool ring, finally. It'll have a Chinese dragon on one side, with the graduation year on it, and then on the other side, I'll have butterflies with my name on it. :] I'll make it a sapphire since they're all "LOL THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN GET A DIFFERENT FACET IS IF YOU GO BY BIRTHSTONE," and I think it'll be silver. Yay. Too bad it can't have a cool school name and has to be all dumb and "lolAppleton," but whatever. I'll live. Unless I die.
But I hope I won't.
I was going to go through Balfour to get it, but then Ange was all "oh try Josten's instead." I didn't know what the hell she was talking about, but I looked. And they had a Chinese dragon on it. And butterflies.
Win, anyone?
I wish they had a third side, though, because I also really really liked the way the horoscope's Virgo option looked, too. It kind of bummed me out, but I figured I could live without it.

Weather's getting nicer starting today. Tomorrow's supposed to break eighty! I'm so excited. I looked over at a friend of mine and smiled, saying "welcome to my spring." She just laughed at me. Saturday's supposed to be in the sixties and raining. I'll survive; I like the rain. No snow? Score. I'm so freaking sick of snow.
I don't think I ever want to see it again. Haaaa. Jeez.

Yesterday was Mom's birthday. It was also a really really awesome day, until I got home from school. Mom had a migrane and couldn't come over so I couldn't give her the picture of my character Gwendolyn I painted for her (she's pretty fond of her), so that upset me a little bit. I could survive, but then after my nap, I just got really clumsy and irritable. I almost dropped a knife on my foot. And a hot pan. I did drop a celery stick on the floor.
I was almost crying by the end of it, either way. But I didn't. Score one for Banana.

Today at school sucked. I got everything I needed to done and nothing blew up in my face, so to speak, but I was exhausted as hell and I felt like shit. I had a headache from eight in the morning until four-thirty this afternoon, after I had taken some Excedrin.
But PaDer gave me the lanyard I gave her the money to get me. That was happy. And I got a pretty sweet compliment.
After school, things got a little better, though. Japanese went pretty well, so that was good. I've really got to get off of my duff and actually bother to study. Imagine the progress I could make! If I can do this reasonably just by winging it? My gosh.
I always try to make it a point to study, but I always forget or get preoccupied.
I need a study-buddy. Buh.

I like study-buddies.
We usually just wind up talking.

Sydney's going to call me...

This is Madness!

No! This is... Nannon's fangirlism! -suspence music-

1) Comment to this and I will give you 3 people.
2) Post this meme with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label which you would marry, shag, or throw off a cliff.

Lol. Alex. xD

Here we go.

Marry: Waiter-boy.

-Photo... Currently unavailable. We'll see later on how long this will last-

Okay; I know this is really awkward since I barely even know him, but he's the closest one to my age, he's silly cute, and I adore his smirks and half-smiles. His hands are pretty nice, too, and he always makes it seem like you're the only person in the world that matters when he looks at you. Unless he's sad, but then it's just so obvious in his eyes that something is upsetting him; when that's the case, it doesn't matter if you're the only person in the world or not. At least, not for me. I just want to give him a hug and try to make him feel better. His eyes betray his mood. Hey--I just realized that mine do, too. Back on the subject, then. Taking a chance in picking him? Sure. But at this point in my life, it sure does feel worth it. I wonder how long it'll be until I start to regret it.

Shag: Sakurai Atsushi.

Fuck. Yeah.

Hell. Yes.

I don't know how I should portray this appropriately. I can't marry him since he's about a million years older than me, but as the phrase goes, "I'd tap that."


And thrice more. Jesus Christ. He just turned forty-three and he's still a babe. He's got the voice of a god, and he knows how to angle himself in just the right way to make him freaking gorgeous. He seems really modest and sweet from what I can gather, too. Stardom doesn't seem to have affected him too terribly much. He's made me want to get a cat and name her Tsubaki now.

Happy belated birthday, Sakurai-san. I love you. So much. You're my favourite, and even though I might go through phases where I'm obsessed with Miyavi, he'll always be second to you, even though it'll sometimes be a really close second. I won't stray. I promise.(>w<) Oh, and Mummysloth and I want to dress you up in a can-can dress. Is that okay with you? We should make it a scene in a music video. How does that sound? The entire band can crossdress. That'd be awesome.

Throw off a cliff: Dorian Grey

Awh. I'm sorry, babe. I love you, too, but you're such a bastard. That's why I had to do this. You've got a stick up your butt, and you know it. I almost cried at the book where you died, but then I realized how much of a pain in the ass you really were.

But that's okay; you're still a babe. It's just a little upsetting that I had to do this, but...

Hey; maybe your picture took the throw instead of you. Score.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun.

And babe, when it's love if it's not rough, it isn't fun.
Don't like the song that much (the beat is catchy though. D:), but I love that line. What lovely lawls.

60 Secrets about yourself.Be honest no matter what.

o1. Have you ever been asked out?
I was twelve, so it doesn't count. xD

o2. Where is your default picture taken?
I drew it when I was drawing on the computer with Sydney.

o3. What's your middle name?

o4. Your current relationship status?
Single with an infatuation from hell. :3 At least I don't have the inclination to look at other boys because of it. That saves me hassle.

o5. Does your crush like you back?
Probably not. :D

o6. What is your current mood?
Sleepy, full, and rather content.

o7. What color of underwear are you wearing?
White and black.

o8. What color shirt are you wearing?
Green, and then my jacket is blue, white, and black.

1o. If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change?
I'd still be in Mississippi, thanks.

11. If you must be an animal for one day, what?
Camel. I'd spit on everybody.

12. Ever had a near death experience?
Half. xD It doesn't count, though, because I didn't see the light or even bother to black out.

13. Something you do a lot?
Forget to pay attention.

14. The song stuck in your head?
Nothing in particular since I'm already listening to music.

15. Who did you copy and paste this from?
Alex. <3

16. Name someone with the same birthday as YOU.
The only person in the world I truly fucking hate. What kind of luck is that?!
Oh, and my biological father.

17. When was the last time you cried?
Last week.

18. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
I was seven. :D

19. If you could have one super power what would it be?
I'd like to be able to selectively read minds and communicate with people via thought.
Alternatively, I'd also like a fast metabolism. With as slow as mine is, that in and of itself seems like a superpower to me.

2o. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
How pretty I consider them to be.
Or, if it's like... Directly first glance at ever, eyes. Someone who isn't that attractive once blew me away with his eyes. Ange, too, and that's impressive. They were this beautiful shade of electric blue. Oh. My. Gosh.

21. What do you usually order from Tim Horton's?
... Am I missing something here? What is that?

22. What's your biggest secret?
Would anyone put their biggest secret on a billboard for the world to see?
Then why would I say such things on the internet?

23. What´s your favourite colour?
Teal, purple, silver, and black.

[No 24 because apparently these things are always missing questions.]

25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
Once in a while. Kiddy movies are great, provided I grew up with them.

26. What are you?
Homo Sapien.

27. Do you speak any other language?
-snort- I wish.

28. What's your favourite smell?
Well, there is this one Bath and Body Works soap-free body wash that Mom got me... It was like... Called comfort or something, and it was this vanilla spice thing. Too bad it was discontinued. I think I'll keep the bottle for the smell. > >

29. Describe your life in one word, what would it be?
Pretty pathetic.
That's two, but fuck rules. :'D

[No 30, either.]

31. Have you ever kissed in the rain?
How romantic.
I've never been much of a romantic.
Nor have I ever been kissed by anyone who would kiss me in such a scenario.
Only family pecks.

32. What are you thinking about right now?
How ridiculously stupid this song is and how much I hate myself for allowing it to grow on me like some damn fungus..

33. What should you be doing?
Taking that shower, some Geometry homework.

34. Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
I can't recall.

35. How often do you talk to God?
Pretty regularly. Once or twice a day on average.

36. Do you like working in the yard?
Depends on the weather and what it is that I'm doing.

37. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
Vasilieva (or Vasilyeva) :] That's a sexy last name, I must say. Especially when it's on a guy and just Vasiliev/Vasilyev.

38. Do you act differently around the person you like?
Who doesn't?

39. What is your natural hair color?

4o. Who was the last person to make you cry?
Can't recall. Myself, likely.

41. Do you think life is fair?
Depends on the situation and what one has done to bring it upon themselves. Sometimes there are some unexplainably cruel ironies, but those are few and far between, methinks.

42. Do you believe someone can be faithful to you?
Not likely, but perhaps. It's a nice thought, at any rate.

43. Are you scared someone is mad/upset at or about you?

44. Are you excited about anything?
Giving waiter-boy the note whenever I can, nicer weather, and the end of the school year. College, learning an entire language apart from English.

45. Would you like to be friends with any of your ex's?
What ex?

46. And why?
Because I've never had a boyfriend and therefore cannot have an ex?

47. Do you think all girls are players? jerks? etc?
No. I just think that most of them are complete idiots who need to pull their heads out of their asses.
Oh, wait.
I think that about most people.

48. Getting a haircut?
Probably going to get Grandma to do it again in a couple of weeks.

49. Know any true friends?
I hope so.

5o. What grade are you in?
Eleventh. Unfortunately.

51. Excited for next year?
Not really. Not at all.

52. Do you think you're going to be asked out this year or next?
Not likely.

53. What do you hate in the opposite sex?
I hate the same things in different ways on both sexes.

54. Do you think confidence and morals are sexy for the opposite sex?
Morals are lovely and respectable. An acceptable amount of confidence can be quite nice, as well, but that can easily become excessive.

55. Describe your classmates in your class(es)?
Annoying as hell, save the ones I talk to.

56. Happy for your friends?
Whenever they're happy, sure. I also get jealous, but that's just me being foolish.

57. Are you happy for yourself?
Give me a reason to be and we'll see.

58. Who's your true idol and you know, for sure, who'll be there for you?
I'm not sure about true idol. Wait. Yeah I am. My grandmother. <3
I have plenty of people who'll be there for me if I need them, I think, fortunately. I'm grateful for all of them.

59. Do you believe everything happens for a reason and whats meant to be will find its way?
For the most part.

6o. Before you leave, write down the lyrics of a song that will end this survey.
Closing time--
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

Give me something to believe in~

'Cause I don't believe in you anymore, anymore;
I wonder if it even makes a difference to try.
So, this is good-bye~

Not that eventful of a weekend. Mom's birthday is on Wednesday. She was moody today, though, so that was awkward. Not terribly moody or anything, just... Tired and cold, I guess.
Which is entirely understandable. Today was rainy, cloudy, and forty-five degrees. Compared to yesterday's sunny and seventy-two degrees. I was tired and cold today. Which makes since since my blood is comparative to a snake's half of the time. It's under seventy? I'm typically chilly.
Yesterday, though, we went to a small nature park thing after we had Mexican food for lunch. Yum. Felt like I was cheating on waiter-boy, though. I miss him. I think I get especially miserable if I don't see him on the weekends because he does, in fact, work on weekends.

Wish my birthday were on a weekend this year. It's on a stupid Wednesday, though. How unfortunate. The day after school starts, too. Better than this school year, though; My birthday was on the first day of school, which was a major bitch.

Anyway, back on my trip to the nature park. It was fun. I went out to a pond that has a little boardwalk and just laid there, basking in the sun. It was lovely, really. Then I saw a muskrat swimming around in another little pond. He was tiny and pretty cute. <3 Mom saw a beaver, though. So did Ange and Grandma, now that I think about it. I swear, I'll never get to see a living beaver in my life will I? I love beavers. And everyone around me but me has ever seen one.

I set the language on this thing to Russian for the giggles. It's super awesome.

Let's see... Oh, after we went to the nature park yesterday, we went over to the little community beach out by Lake Winnebago. The water's super cold. I just dipped my toe in it. I suppose it would be, though, considering that it JUSTMELTEDOMGWUT. = = Lakes aren't supposed to freeze. [/Southerner]
Oh, and Mama got her hair cut. It's really cute, but she doesn't think so, so I told her that once it grew out another half-inch or so, then it'd be super. She's biased towards long hair. Really, I don't understand what most women's problem with short hair is.
Mine's boy-short and super shaggy. And I must say I'm quite fond of it.

[[Alex, I'll reply to the messages on MySpace soon. I've been too lazy lately. I'm sorry. m(_ _)m]]

Oh, I totally wore the flapper skirt on Friday. 8D And I went fishing in it during gym, too. Mr. Walker was exceptionally amused. I stopped a friend of mine dead in her tracks, too. "OH MY GOSH. THAT IS SO CUTE." Best compliment I got all day. Haha. Wear that in front of waiter-boy. Lulz.

I've realized that I've gained weight recently. I'd say likely a good ten pounds or so, because some pants that were getting really loose fit me well again. I don't know; weight-scales terrify me. So, yesterday, I did some leg-lifts and such and as a result my stomach muscles are a little sore, which is a good thing. Maybe I can start doing this every day. Or at least do something every day. I need some sort of motivation, though.
Sucks to be lazy. It really does.

On the positive, I've grown a little bit more. :D

I swear, Russians have the sexiest words ever. I just read one. "Chernovik?" Oh yes. And all it means is "rough copy." And then their word for tomorrow is awesome. "Zaftra." Roll the R's and it's like... Woah.
If I ever met an Asian-looking guy who could speak Russian?
"Excuse me, sir, but may I throw myself upon you?"

Dude. Speaking of Russian: "Моё судно на воздушной подушке полно угрей!"
"Mahyo sudno na vozushnoy podushke polno ugryey," which in English, translates into "my hovercraft is full of eels!"
Oh no. xDD
I wonder if it has any sexual connotations. I'll have to look into that one, because I can't think of any off of the top of my head. If I can't find anything that it could mean, I could totally introduce myself to some poeple one day...:
"Minya zavoot Rhiannon, i mahyo sudno na voshunoy podushke polno ugryey."
"My name is Rhiannon, and my hovercraft is full of eels."
I'm sure I could at least get someone to laugh if I managed to say that with a straight face. Of course, right after I finished saying it, I'd have to laugh, but at least if I did it that way they'd at least know I was sane; maybe a little foolish, but reasonably sane.
Of course, this is all provided it doesn't mean anything perverted that I don't know about.
I've kind of become oblivious to these things. It was on a basic phrase website, though, and there was nothing else blatantly perverse on it, so... Maybe it was just for the kicks and giggles?
Epic phrase, either way.

I don't want to go to school tomorrow. There are only forty-someodd days left, at least. Forty-six, I think? I don't know... Let's see... Well, either way, something like that.
I've gotten so lazy with my schoolwork, though. I haven't done my homework yet and I haven't even bothered to get ahead in my reading of The Great Gatsby, even though it's a perfectly alright book. Well, past the first two chapters. I got really confused in those two, mostly because I was tired and the narrator supposedly got drunk, so it was all supposed to be rather confusing, anyway.

I'm going to go shower now, methinks. <3

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

And when you've taken down your guard...

...If I could change your mind, I'd really love to break your heart.

So, I realized to-day that there are only 5o more days until school is out. I'm still going to try to skip the last two days because I hate the last couple of days of school; they're only worthless pieces of day strewn together so that the school can get their damn government money. There's no point in them. So, yeah, provided there's nothing going on then, I want to see if I can play hookie. My aunt says no, but I'm pretty sure I can con Grandma into talking her into it. She understands my point, and I still have three days I could skip, so why not just skip two more and save the last one for an 'in case' should there be a technical error somewhere?

What the fuck? Where's the point in that? Besides, you're not even doing anything productive. School is a place to learn, not a social gathering. If there's no point in having school but to let kids hang out, don't have school. Kids mingle on their own in their own time out of school just fine, and they usually can find more fun things to do than sit in a classroom for two hours talking. >:/

Honestly, though. Is there any point?

Speaking of school, I wrote a paragraph in my last class of the day yesterday:

One could always tell when the school day (or a mere class period, for that matter) was approaching its end. The closing of books, the teacher's scarce heard pleas for silence, the uncomfortable, stiffening aura brewing and the awkward shuffling of feet. It was just shy of the end of another adolescent's workday; a day that had seemed to last an era (though upon further reflection have felt so brief), an era whose end everyone, teachers, studens, and general staff memebers alike, heavily anticipated.

I wish I knew what to do with it. I thought of turning it into the intro to a short story, but not only would I not have the motivation to ever finish writing such a short story, I have no clue as to what to make the story pertain to. Open to suggestions, however. I'm rather pleased with the way the paragraph worked out after a couple of revisions, though. Yay~.
Maybe I could talk about how awesome the weekends and/or summer break were percieved to be, and then mention how it's funny that kids are usually itching to have something to do so much by the end of summer that, for a week, they don't mind attending school. And how weekends tend to be a bummer. Unless you go to visit really pretty waiters that work in expensive restaurants that you love.
o___________o Then I just bum myself out though, because the most I can typically do is sit there and occasionally stare awkwardly, momentarily hoping that I'll do something just stupid enough to get his attention so he can giggle at me. >///>

Maybe I'll let this song play a couple more times, draw a little more, and then go get a shower and go to bed... Sydney's messenger has been on all day, but it's been set to 'away,' and she never responded to my message, so I guess her computer forgot to shut down right again or some nonsensical something along those lines.

Having this blog thing now makes me wish that I actually had something worthwhile to say. I really don't; I just use it to ramble. I guess it's a good way to vent, especially (wow I couldn't spell that for a minute) since the internet is all... Known for being anonymous and such as the like (even though it's all a pretty false perception. = =;;;).
I wonder if I'll get to give him the note this weekend. Or, to rephrase that, let someone else give him the note from me this weekend. Then again, money's been a little tight, so I'm not sure. I need to e-mail those people saying I can't afford to go to Japan, too... I don't know how to say it properly, though! And I hate telling people "thanks but I'm sorry, I can't do it anymore even though I thought before that I could." Even if I have completely legitimate reasons, it makes me feel so awkward and embarrassed.

The weather's getting nicer.
Supposed to be really nice on Friday.
Maybe I'll wear my flapper skirt for the kicks and giggles.
Ange said it'd be a little overthetop, but but I wannaaaa...
I'm so conflicted.
But I could actually wear red makeup and be all... Accurate-ish with it.
I might would have to get up a few minutes early, but I think it'd be well worth it.

I just don't know. Oh boy.

Monday, April 13, 2009

And I think to myself...

What a wonderful worllldddd...

That song is pretty cool.
( x wx) Sucks when it doesn't apply.

Yay for three and a half hours of sleep. I swear, I just woke up and my eyes already itch. I suppose it was inevitable, though. I knew it'd happen eventually, what with the insomnia spasms I go through from time to time. Now, though, since I'm already pretty much set for school, I'm just looking for a way to pass the time.

I kind of wish the insomnia spat would have saved itself for during the summer, though (or have already passed during Spring Break? D:). Then I'll just be dealing with a bunch of hyperactive kids for four weeks. I could probably do that better on 3 1/2 hours of sleep than I can take a "test."
I don't even understand pre-tests, though. It's like... What? ACT Prep, for example. I've never taken it, but that's mostly because it sounds so stupid. Strategies for taking a test that no one is sure on what it's going to even have on it? Pointless. Frivolous. Superfluous. Downright stupid. Look, Mom, vocab words.

It feels like I already gave him the letter and should be anticipating an e-mail from him any day now. = =; It's so weird, because I know I didn't give it to him, but my brain is just all "oh let's check the e-mail. Maybe he somehow TELEPATHICALLY got your e-mail address and e-mailed you while you were away."
And so, I find myself checking for something that I know isn't there. Doesn't even exist yet.

What kind of crap is this?
When did I get so damn idiotic and fangirlish?

... Why didn't I get a memo from God? "Okay, look, here's the facts, Banana: You're about to be a dumbass, alright?"
Then I could have just braced myself and been all "Okie-dokie. Don't do anything stupid. Got it."

I really hope today works out for me. I'm going to be starving by lunch. But, I know that if I give it enough time, the end of the day will come, and God willing, I can take a nap. I'll probably be super bitchy by the end of the day. xD Hope I remember all that stress-relief yoga crap and it works out well for me. It'll be down to the wireeeee.

Oh, and Alex, I'd show you the letter, but I taped it up so I wouldn't open and read it and think of how big of an idiot I am later. I hope that's okay. I can draw you a rendition of the chibi that I put on it and show you that, though.

I need to put on my shoes...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wonder What It's Like...

It certainly can lead one to wondering what life would be like if things were different. Things such as whether or not one were a procrastinator (like myself), what if a person had more outgoing personality, or what if they were more introverted.
I'm personally wondering the procrastination part. I'm so close to being done with that damn painting; why can't I just go ahead and finish it? I have time, I think to myself, nevermind it's almost nine at night and I have to get up at 5:3o in the morning. I don't know why I do this to myself. Perhaps if I hadn't been on the phone just a while ago I wouldn't be doing this. Ah, well. I'll spare myself five minutes to type in regards to absolutely nothing and then resume my painting. Maybe I'll make a small prayer that there's less than an hour left of work on it. = 3= Good Lord, though, if I don't already hate it. The art teacher certainly didn't give us enough time to work on it.

I've never really had a blog before. This will be interesting. I blame Alex, even though I'm pretty sure no one will ever read this. And why would they even bother? x wx <3>

So, today pretty much sucked. I didn't intend for it to, since Easter is my favourite holiday (Happy Easter, guys), but when one spends a day moping over lost chances the day previous, the crushing of a hope, and realizing that they left something in their locker that they needed for the next day, it kind of leads for a day worth a piece of shit. I guess it was alright, though. Sydney called me, at least.

I couldn't get the boy out of my head, though. I wrote an entire letter to him today and taped it up so I couldn't read it and throw it out later. I have to do it--I have to let him know. I don't know why it's so important to me, though. ( ; ^;) It would help if I had a clue, maybe. Anyway, the letter looks all nice and neat and ultra-colourful. I didn't mean for it to, but when I looked down, I had the entire thing coloured somehow. There wasn't an ounce of white left on that paper, and I don't even know why. =w= At least none of it's hot pink or anything like that. There's a pale pink (looks like a light red, actually), yellow, brown, blue, and... Orange, I think? That's not too feminine (I hope).
I'm still mostly caught up on Mom's sudden change in heart regarding me telling him. I guess it's understandable, but uh...
Oh well.

Next time I go, whether I want to or not then, it's all planned out. =/ Maybe he'll be more giggly and boyish this time. That'd be cute. I missed that last time; felt bad for him and wanted to give him a hug.

I've alotted myself five extra minutes. I must be on my way now; heaven forbid I allow ten. D:
