Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wonder What It's Like...

It certainly can lead one to wondering what life would be like if things were different. Things such as whether or not one were a procrastinator (like myself), what if a person had more outgoing personality, or what if they were more introverted.
I'm personally wondering the procrastination part. I'm so close to being done with that damn painting; why can't I just go ahead and finish it? I have time, I think to myself, nevermind it's almost nine at night and I have to get up at 5:3o in the morning. I don't know why I do this to myself. Perhaps if I hadn't been on the phone just a while ago I wouldn't be doing this. Ah, well. I'll spare myself five minutes to type in regards to absolutely nothing and then resume my painting. Maybe I'll make a small prayer that there's less than an hour left of work on it. = 3= Good Lord, though, if I don't already hate it. The art teacher certainly didn't give us enough time to work on it.

I've never really had a blog before. This will be interesting. I blame Alex, even though I'm pretty sure no one will ever read this. And why would they even bother? x wx <3>

So, today pretty much sucked. I didn't intend for it to, since Easter is my favourite holiday (Happy Easter, guys), but when one spends a day moping over lost chances the day previous, the crushing of a hope, and realizing that they left something in their locker that they needed for the next day, it kind of leads for a day worth a piece of shit. I guess it was alright, though. Sydney called me, at least.

I couldn't get the boy out of my head, though. I wrote an entire letter to him today and taped it up so I couldn't read it and throw it out later. I have to do it--I have to let him know. I don't know why it's so important to me, though. ( ; ^;) It would help if I had a clue, maybe. Anyway, the letter looks all nice and neat and ultra-colourful. I didn't mean for it to, but when I looked down, I had the entire thing coloured somehow. There wasn't an ounce of white left on that paper, and I don't even know why. =w= At least none of it's hot pink or anything like that. There's a pale pink (looks like a light red, actually), yellow, brown, blue, and... Orange, I think? That's not too feminine (I hope).
I'm still mostly caught up on Mom's sudden change in heart regarding me telling him. I guess it's understandable, but uh...
Oh well.

Next time I go, whether I want to or not then, it's all planned out. =/ Maybe he'll be more giggly and boyish this time. That'd be cute. I missed that last time; felt bad for him and wanted to give him a hug.

I've alotted myself five extra minutes. I must be on my way now; heaven forbid I allow ten. D:


1 comment:

  1. Don't blame me, you know deep down you really always wanted a blog. Do you not feel whole now? For the first time in your life?

    I hope you finished the painting. Sorry it made things a little tougher for you this week.

    I kind of want to see this rainbow letter of fish love...

    Thanks for starting a blog. :3
