Monday, June 15, 2009

Je te rejoins quand je m'endors~

Mais je veux te revoir encore
Où est il
L'autre bout du monde?

You'd think finding the English translations wouldn't be too hard for songs in French, even if it is by a somewhat obscure artist (at least in America). Don't like a million people speak French and English?
That might also be why there wouldn't be too many translations easily findable, too, wouldn't it? Ugh.
Emily Loizeau~<33

I've fallen out of the habit of doing so much. The last couple of weeks of school were downright hellish, they were so busy, and so I didn't have time to do so much. Reading, posting, drawing, writing, studying my languages, sleeping, eating, hell, even breathing got hard after a while. I didn't quite realize how bad highschool teachers drop a crap-load of work on you right at the end of it all until they did, in fact, drop a crap-load of work on me right at the end of the school year.
Fortunately, however, I did well on all of it and came out with straight A's for the semester, the lowest being an A-. Joyous~.
So! In efforts to re-gain my hobbies and pastimes, I'm trying to make a concious effort to do them until they become easy for me again. I'm going to try to finish reading The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky this week (I'm halfway there and once I actually start reading it, I read a lot of it at once), I'm going to try to start making yoga a habit again, I'm posting on this for the first time in a long while (don't worry, Alex. I haven't forgotten you. <3),>

I also need to do my laundry at some point today. I think I will do that after I finish this.

Funny how I use this more as a checklist than an overview of my life sometimes. Seriously, I just wasted three long paragraphs on things I need to do and things I'm having/have had a hard time doing. Weird.

But yes. I haven't forgotten you Alex, and even though I don't always leave a note, I always read your posts. Feel better sometime, okay? You know if you need me you can always find me quite easily. I love you lots, dear. Miss the crazy good times talking to you. We'll have to organize a time to talk and catch up, even if it is only via MSN or what have you.

So, I've been out for about two weeks or so. Well, Thursday will mark my second week off, which means that I will have eleven weeks still to go. I don't really have too much planned; I just know that by August 14th, I'll need to go and get my driver's liscence renewed, but that's not too big of a deal -- Ange and I are going to go down south some time around then, anyway. Going to go down to Louisiana and then hopefully Georgia to look at the colleges I'm interested in. Even though I'm pretty psyched, it's odd to think that I'll graduate in January. I need to get even more obsessive about my grades. D: Oh dear. I might join the Hmong club next year, though. Ha; PaDer is going to be president and she wants me and Deidre to join. It'd be pretty funny; two white people surrounded by tiny Asians.
Ah, Asians. <3>
PaDer's super sweet, though. I love her to bits.

The other day I found myself wondering whether or not it was possible for two people to mutually like each other or if it was, as Sydney put it "X loves Y, Y's just along for the ride." She thinks it's something a bit psychological, since I've never really had many stable relationships around me. I suppose that might be true, and I do know that the most stable relationship that I ever wanted to be even somewhat similar to just ended in divorce, and now he's already trying to get married again to another woman. I was told he wasn't cheating, but he's too lazy to win a girl over the regular way and would instead just rather go to someone else he already knows, as if all he really wants is a woman around to take care of him. In most of the other relationships of the steady sort that I know of, the men don't really appear to do crap but come home from work, sleep, and eat, and I really don't want anything to do with a relationship like that.
So, it's a little bit of an upsetting thought, especially since I really can't think of anyone to use as a role model, besides ficticious couples that seem way too good to be true. According to Mom, my great-great grandparents had a relationship like that, but they were already long gone by the time I came around.
I'm still young though, so none of this really matters. I think I'll cry if I get to be thirty-five and never have been in a relationship before, though. Scary enough, I could see it. I guess I could just convert to Catholicism and join a convent, but I think I'll pass on that option. I like Catholics just fine, but no thanks. But I mean, I know the best comes later in life, but jeez.
I think it mostly bothers me because a lot of people I know are already paired off and even though I know it probably won't work out for them, the phrase does go "it's better to have loved than lost." And even though I haven't been in a legitimate relationship, I know that even if I lost one of my friends, it would be better than to have never known them at all.
Just some thoughts.

I had to make another stupid Facebook for people to keep in touch, as though they don't already have my damned phone number and could just call me. Oh, "social networking." How you turn people into computer and text message potatoes who don't like to talk through anything but their fingers. I can understand it in some cases, like long-distance friendships, but really. It gets ridiculous after a time.

The cottonwood trees have been making it look like it's snowing in 7o degree weather. It's quite humourous, even if snow does traumatize me now.


  1. I like totally have that Loizeau CD. :D
    Sounds like the final days at school were hectic but I'm proud of you for vanquishing thine enemy, schoolwork! You rawk! 8D
    Yes, find time to do the things you love because them's the things that make life worth living. I wish you much luck in recapturing your youth. ;3 Haha, dramatic words...
    Thanks for the shoutout. I miss you, fishy fish. I'm just hardly ever around for chatting; tired from work and busy wasting time on YouTube or Facebook.
    The relationship discussion is interesting. I am, though, saddened by your words. You're too young to think love has passed you by or that you'll never be happy. You know what, kid? If you get to be 35 and haven't been in a relationship you might not even care. It seems everyone puts so much emphasis on being with someone they forget to live their own lives and achieve their own goals. It might sound slightly selfish but putting yourself first just means less to worry about and if you do meet someone the you they meet will be more true than just a fake caricature of whatever makes a girl attractive. If someone cares about you then you'll know they care about all of you and not just what you think they might care for. I don't know if this makes sense but I think you're a wonderful person and hell, I'm older than you and only old perverts hit on me so I am worse off than you, right? Does that help? You don't need to be just like everyone else in their quick-fix couplings to be normal or sane or happy. That kind of thing, you can't plan for it. You deal with it when it arrives, not when you go out of your way to find time for it.

    Facebook? Give! :B

  2. I... Didn't illegally download it? > w>;;; I'll get it legit one day, maybe. She has a new one out, appearently. We needs must investigate sometime soon.
    But yes; you're how I know about Ms. Emily Loizeau. xD

    Awwww Slothieeeeee<3
    Do you know how good you just made me feel? XD
    You're so amazing. <3

    I know, though. It's just stuff I ponder about from time to time. I already know I'll likely be a little later than most getting to that sort of stuff, and I'm okay with it, it's just half the time I find myself not believing it even exists, you know?

    Aw someone'll come for you, though, too, dear. :] <3 You're so good at saying the right things for other people, you should start saying that kind of stuff to yourself, too.

    Hmhmhm. It's my InvisibleBrownie G-mail account. The name's D'mitri Vasiliev.

  3. She's quite lovely in her music skills. I shall investigate further this new release. c:
    Oh, I did not know that. o:

    Aww, danke. ^^;; Just trying to help, fishyfoo~
    I know exactly how you feel. It's like everyone else might have problems in their relationships but they're at least in one. You turn around and there's another couple looking all happy and whatnot and you just feel like the odd man out. It's a lame feeling but apparently we're not the only two people on this Earth without a significant other. Yeah, I know, sounds crazy but it's true, I read it on Wikipedia. ;P
    I figure if it exists it's not going to be the easiest thing to deal with but in the end it will be worth the wait if it really does exist. You won't know for sure if it doesn't until the day you die and maybe by then you won't give a shit 'cause you're dead and stuff.

    Guys don't like me and I don't like girls so I'm kind of screwed.

    Wooot, added! <3
