Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's only me who wants to wrap around your dreams~

And have you any dreams you'd like to sell?

-What would you do if you found out the person you like was in a relationship?
I wouldn't be surprised.

-Do you think you're wasting your time on the person you like?

-Name two people you tell everything to?
Sydney, even though she laughs at me, and Kaley. I'd tell Alex if I talked to her every day. XP I tell her most of it, anyway.

-The person you have feelings for shows up at your house, what do you do?
... Wow. I have a stalker. And I like him.
That'd be insane. Ha-ha.

-Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
Highly unlikely unless he randomly shows up at my door like in the last question. He doesn't even know my name. xD

-Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Well, I'm breathing, aren't I?

-Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
I suppose, but I'm certainly fond of vodka. XP Not to the point of being anywhere near a lush, though. Not interested that much.

-How are you feeling?
Very sleepy, drained, and nervous.

-How do you feel about big trucks?
Their bad mileage makes me twitch a little on the inside.

-Does anything hurt on your body right now?
My head, slightly.

-Do you want someone to call you right now?
I don't really care right now. I'd rather not, though. Too lazy to talk.

-Do you miss someone?

-Is something wrong right now?
No; I'm just nervous.

-Can you play an instrument?
Barely. = w=

-Are you mad at someone?
Not to my knowledge.

-Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
I'd love to, but I can't. How about on Saturday?

-Can you honestly say you listen to all kinds of music?
There's likely something in every genre that I'd like, yes. But I am particular about how it is composed. XP And I get persnickety about lyrical composition, as well.

-Would you prefer a thunderstorm or for it to be snowing?
Thunderstorms are better.

-Are you good at math?
What kind of math are we discussing?

-Do you usually listen to your parents?
Unless they say something completely superfluous.

-Do you have any siblings? Do you get along?
Sure, I get along with my ficticious siblings.

-Do you cry alot?
Not usually. I go through phases, depending on how stressed out and upset I am.

-Do you act more silly or serious?
Depends on what the situation calls for.

-Are you good at keeping secrets?

-Do you have any gay/bi/lesbian friends?

-What are you doing tomorrow?
Gotta go to freaking school. Then I get to exercise. :B

-Do you have any shirts with funny sayings on them?
Sure, provided one has the background knowledge to understand them.

-Are your bedroom walls a different color than white?
I wish. xP

-What day of the week is it?
Thursday. OhmyGodalmostSaturday. D:

-Have you ever ridden first class on an airplane?
Seems kind of stupid to me. Don't really see a point.

-What's your name without the letters a, b, c, x, y, or z?
Rhinnon. Haha. That's what Conlan used to call me. Well... "Rinnin."

-How often do you wear a belt?
Not often, but it doesn't keep me from loving them and having a hell of a lot.

-Have you ever had seagulls attack you at the beach?

-Are you excited for anything?
Sure. Saturday. But I'm also scared, too. xD

-Does your profile song have any specific meaning?
Don't have one on this.

-Has a girl ever asked your best friend about you?

-What are your plans for today?
Going to bed in approximately... A half-hour or so.

-Do you like your life right now?
Certain aspects of it, sure.

-Who was the last person you talked to last night before bed?
If goodnights don't count, Sydney. If they do, Grandma and Ange.

-Do you have friends you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell?
Not really; mostly sure, but there's just this little hint of paranoia in me... XP

-Are you in a good mood right now?
Feeling pretty decent. Provided I could keep my eyes open. The weather's looking nice, so I'm feeling pretty happy for that.

-Do you take compliments well?
They're embarrassing.

-What bed did you sleep in last night?
My own.

-What was the last thing you cried about?
Don't recall. I'm sure it was important. [/sarcasm]

-Will you be in bed within twenty minutes?
That'd be nice. Not likely, but nice.
Wonder why I torture myself like this for no particular reason...

-What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had?
Water. I've pretty much had water today. Well, that and coffee and lemonade, but mostly water. I feel like a fish.

-Is there anyone you trust who you shouldn't?
XD I wouldn't be surprised.

-Have you ever gotten the butterflies?
Yes. Oh, the joyous memories. D: I hate that feeling.

-If you could change anything about your past would you?
Of course. Wouldn't anyone?

-What are you doing this summer?
To hell if I know.

-In the last month have you wanted to punch someone's face in?
You must be jesting.

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